What we do
The Hellenic Donkey Center is a non-profit oraganization, whose main goal is to improve the living and working conditions of donkeys in Greece, to take care of those in need and to raise awareness. It maintains a sanctuary where it can accommodate donkeys that were abandoned, abused or their owners were not able to keep them anymore.
We inform and educate people who intend to acquire a donkey so that they can responsibly and consistently keep such an animal. We also restore donkeys – physically and mentally – and encourage their adoption. All actions are supported by volunteers and this is why your participation in any way is valuable.
In order to find the financial resources to ensure our ability to offer our donkeys – and those in need – a better life, the Center created Donkeysland, an alternative entertainment and training site dedicated to donkeys.
Its purpose is to introduce this unknown and unappreciated animal to people, especially the children, to highlight this animal’s special charismas and amazing nature and to build a new consciousness on communication, respect, cooperation and coexistence of us with them.